6135 NW 167th Street Unit E-3
Miami Lakes, Florida 33015
Phone: 305-362-4320

"With You Always"

Psalm 16:11 NLT

“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”

Do you ever wonder if God is really here? If so, you’re not the first person to think such thoughts. In fact, some of the biggest heroes in the Bible had their doubts and so, perhaps, will you. But when the questions arise and doubts begin to creep into your mind, remember this: You can talk with God any time. In fact, He’s right here, right now, listening to your thoughts and prayers, watching over your every move.

Sometimes, you will allow yourself to become very busy, and that’s when you may be tempted to ignore God. But, when you quiet yourself long enough to acknowledge His presence, God will touch your heart and restore your spirits. By the way, He’s ready to talk right now. Are you?

There is nothing more important in any life than the constantly enjoyed presence of the Lord. There is nothing more vital, for without it we shall make mistakes, and without it we shall be defeated.

Alan Redpath

Manufacturers’ Representative Since 2004